Thursday, March 20, 2008

Journal - The development of the residential steel framing industry in Australia

The development of the residential steel framing industry in Australia

Much the same as the journal article I posted on Concrete, "Structural concrete - 50 year perspective," this article covers the major steps forward that steel construction has made in Australia from the imported cast iron British kit homes of the mid 19th century right through to to the highly climate adapted innovative and competitive environment of today's steel industry. It provides a very concise diagram on standard domestic steel construction (pictured) as well as a break-down of the key areas of progress ranging from durability, quality of construction, flexibility of design, speed of construction and cost as well as environmental considerations, which have led to where the industry is today.

Article source: 'Steel Construction- Journal of the Australian steel industry,' June '07, Vol.41, no.1, 'the development of the residential steel framing industry in Australia.' pp4-6

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